Equivalent Program Registration Once you have been advised of the outcome of your application, you will be directed to proceed with payment. Where and when did you complete your formation programme? Please indicate which of the following you are qualified to offer? Spiritual DirectionOffer Full Spiritual ExercisesSupervision I have provided a copy of my qualifying certificate/diploma/degree: YesNo Attach file here (Limit 3mb): I have provided an up-to-date copy of my Criminal Conviction History (NZ) or equivalent background check. A criminal Conviction History can be obtained free of charge from the Ministry of Justice and generally takes only a few days from when you submit your application. YesNo Attach file here (Limit 3mb): I have read and agree to observe the Code of Ethics provided by the Australian Ecumenical Council for Spiritual Direction YesNo Please answer the following quiz to help prevent spam: The colour of grass?